Since the (P.182) beginning of time when the peoples of the earth amalgamated into kingdoms, the pages of history are filled with the spectacular conquests of ambitious kings and mighty Caesars who, by military subjection, built mighty empires to their name. Backed by powerful, organized armies, with the wealth and resources of the nation behind them, the conquerors slaughtered and trampled underfoot the peoples of other nations whose only offense was to defend their land and homes.
Even as history extols their despotic fame it writes their pitiful obituary, exemplifying the words Jesus spoke in rebuke to Peter when he had slashed the ear off an offending servant's head with his sword: 'All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.’1
(1 Matt. 26:52.)
History books are the graveyard of military dynasties which rose and fell by the sword to satiate the ambitious greed of so many murderous conquerors. Such is the record of the Empire, Thousands of years before Christ, and in the two thousand years that have followed.
In comparison, imagination is staggered as we contemplate the achievements of that handful of apostles and disciples who first stood for Christ.
Penniless, suffering poverty, incarcerated, tortured, exiled, and without a weapon in their hands, each stood alone in the midst of imperial hostility as they conquered the world for Christ, a conquest that has endured and thrived for two thousand years. Empires have come and gone with the flag of Christ waving over their dust as majestically as the day it was unfurled when the British armies, led by Guiderius and Arviragus, defeated the Romans in the first battle of the Claudian campaign, A.D. 43.
Thus are the words of Jesus vindicated. Yet, in spite of the glaring truth, a major portion of the world today, more than ever, believes the sword is mightier than the Word. We see it as the Communistic regime seeking to bring the rest of the world under their tyrannical heel of slavery. Despite their faults and frequent backsliding for two thousand years, it has been the Christian Anglo Saxon world that has stood against the evils of material despotism and won. Often alone and overwhelmingly (P.183) outnumbered, they have fought for the freedom of man's spirit wherever it was challenged. God has said, 'Ye are My people. Ye shall not perish from the face of the earth.' In the same breath, God warns us that we shall be scourged with rods for our backsliding, meaning that we shall pay a price for our waywardness. We shall be punished with Pearl Harbor and Dunkirk. Then He says, when we are on the verge of disaster He will 'put hooks in their jaws and turn them back’ so that we may triumph.
What a bitter price we unnecessarily will pay.
Read carefully the reports written by our great commanders in battle who could report no other explanation for victory, when all seemed lost, but a miracle.
The Third World War is bound to come. Win we shall, but at
a price. We have asked for it. The punishment can be minimized if we but open our ears and hearts to the Word of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; if we will but listen to the words of the apostles and disciples of our Lord, as our forefathers did in ancient Britain, and gird ourselves with the strength of divine promise, as they did.
St. Paul labored among the Gentiles to fulfill the promise which James said Simeon had declared, that God would take a people out of the Gentiles for His name, who would keep His Word, His Laws, and the Sabbath.
Are we those people? Scientists, scholars, and ecclesiastics think so. St. Paul certainly believed so. His founding of the first Christian church in Rome and implementing the British royal converts was his triumph, to be culminated in his special mission to Britain by other members of this same royal family of Christians. Before he had gone to Rome he had sent his representative to Britain, in Aristobulus the father-in-law of St. Peter. He was one of the original seventy elected by Christ and was the brother of Barnabas. It was
his wife on whom Jesus wrought the miracle as recorded in St. Matthew's Gospel. In his epistles, St. Paul sends his greeting 'to the household of Aristobulus'. It is stated that Aristobulus was in Britain before St. Paul wrote his epistle to the Romans.
Aristobulus was ostensibly Pau!'s forerunner in Britain, sent by the Apostle to the Gentiles to prepare the way for his own particular mission, which was to follow later, and to be separated from the Josephian Mission. In the preparatory stages, Aristobulus was associated with Joseph but never attached to the mission at Avalon. He labored in the part of Britain now known as Wales. In Those far-off centuries the whole island, (P.184) now divided into England, Scotland, and Wales, was covered by one name - Britain. The brother of Barnabas was exclusively connected with the most southern branch of the royal Silurians, the family of Caractacus, in Wales. Previous to the coming of Aristobulus to Wales, the father and grandfather of Caractacus had already planted the Christian seed in their own particular domain. As we have seen, when Joseph and his companions arrived in Britain, A.D. 36, Bran, the father of Caractacus, had abdicated his throne in favor of his son in order to assume his office as Arch-Druid of the Silures. His seat was at Trevnan, where Caractacus was born, in the parish of Llan-Ilid, Glamorganshire. Llyr Llediath, father of Bran, the King Lear of Shakespeare, founded the first Christian church in Wales at Llandaff, after his conversion and baptism by Joseph. On the nerging of the Druidic with the Christian faith all the members of the Bran-Caradoc dynasty were converted by Joseph.
The Princess Eurgain, eldest daughter of Caractacus, was the first to be baptized, and immediately following the order was her grandfather, the Arch Druid Bran, her great-grandfather Llyr Llediath, then her brother Linus, who later became the first Bishop of Rome and then her husband Salog, Lord of Salisbury, all at the hands of St. Joseph.
Her father Caractacus, and his son Cyllinus, who became regent in his father's stead during the latter's captivity at Rome, and Cynon the youngest son, were baptized in Rome by the hands of St. Paul.
Of Cyllinus, it is interesting to note that during his reign he is given credit for introducing into Britain the christening of infants with Christian names. Prior to this, the British followed the old Hebrew method of naming a person by one name only, and adding the word 'ab', meaning 'of', or 'son of. Tracing the lineage of a person under the old Hebrew principle was a difficult matter.
Support for the credit given to Cyllinus is evidenced in the following extract from the family genealogy as given by his descendant, Jestyn ap Gwrgant, Prince of Glamorgan, in the eleventh century :
'Cyllin ab Caradoc, a wise and just king, In his days many of the Cymry embraced the faith in Christ through the teachings of the saints of Cor-Eurgain, and many godly men from the countries of Greece and Rome were in Cambria. HE FIRST OF THE CYMRY GAVE INFANTS NAMES; for before, names were not given except to adults, and then from (P.185) something characteristic in their bodies, minds or manners.'
The quotation in capitals is by the author to draw attention to the historic fact. Incidentally, Cyllin and Caradoc are the true Celtic names of father and son. Caractacus and Cyllinus are the Roman versions.
All the children of Cyllinus were baptized in the faith. In later years he also abdicated his throne, in favor of his younger brother, Cynon. Like his grandfather, Bran, he took up the Cross, becoming a priest in the Christian faith. In the British Celtic Annals, he is registered as St. Cyllinus.
Llyr Llediaith, the grandfather of Caractacus, was among the group of royal captives taken to Rome, A.D. 52. Shortly after the famous trial of the British Pendragon before Emperor Claudius in the Roman Senate, Llyr died at Rome. His son Bran, being an Arch Priest, was not subject to the surrender but, voluntarily, on hearing of his father's death, offered himself as a hostage in place of the deceased Llyr. After the parole of his son, Caractacus, he remained with the Silurian family, dwelling at the Palace of the British in Rome. With the exception of the sons of Caractacus, who had returned to Britain to take over the reins of government, they were all residing in the Empire City when Paul arrived, A.D. 56. Then followed two years of instruction under St. Paul of the royal group who were to establish his mission in Britain. Aristobulus had journeyed to Rome from Britain to meet Paul and plan the evangelizing commission. From years of former service with Paul, Aristobulus was well acquainted with Paul's intentions. He knew he was to be an important factor in this great work among the selected Gentiles and his previous experience in Britain had given the aged disciple a good insight of the groundwork, most of which he personally had laid, with the aid of Llyr, Bran, and Joseph. Nevertheless, Paul's mission was designed to be distinctly separate from the Avalon Mission. Perhaps herein lay the weakness, for Paul's mission to Gentile Rome was not to endure.
While the royal house of Caractacus sponsored the mission, it was Eurgain, the eldest daughter of Caractacus, who actually was the chief sponsor, endowing the mission with munificent gifts and lands. 1
(1 St. Prydain’s Genealogy, which refers to Eurgain as the first female saint of Britain.)
In the year A.D. 58, the Paulian mission was ready to leave Rome to begin their work in Britain, in the territorial section known as Cambria, the ancient name of the Caradoc domain now known as Wales.
Only Caractacus was (P.186) subject to the seven-year parole, the rest of the British royal hostages were free to leave at any time they wished. The record states that Bran, after being consecrated by St. Paul at Rome, left one year before his son Caradoc, whose parole did not expire until the following year, A.D. 59. With Bran went Aristobulus, who had been consecrated the first Bishop of Britain by St. Paul, his sons Manaw, Brennus, Ilid, and Cyndaw as sup porting missionaries. The last two named were Judeans. With them was Eurgain and her husband Salog, Lord of Caer Salog, or old
Sarum, Salisbury. He is described as being a Roman patrician who had man-ied the daughter of Caractacus prior to the disaster at Clune, A.D. 52. Again we see a mingling of the Roman aristocracy with the royal British.
They arrived at Llan-ilid (meaning 'consecrated enclosure'),
Glamorganshire, erecting a church as a memorial.
Eurgain is recorded as the Patroness of the Paulian Mission at Llan-ilid, and for that reason, it became more commonly known as the Cor-Eurgain Mission. There she founded the first Cor, or choir, and from that time onward it was considered the finest choir in the world. This magnificent tradition has been continued over the centuries in unbroken sequence by the Welsh, being the basis of the world-famous Eisteddfod held every year by the Druidical Order of Wales when they congregate in Druidic costume and ceremony to renew the glorious past with the present. There the famous choirs can be heard singing by the descendants of those courageous noble Christians. In the annual choir contests held throughout the world, the Welsh Eisteddfod has never lost pride of place.
Once yearly, the famous Welsh choir visits the United States and Canada where, in a series of recitals, their magnificent voices delight and thrill all who hear them. Yet how little is it known by the audiences that this wonderful choir is a distinct link with St. Paul's mission to Britain nearly two thousand years ago.
Aristobulus was installed as the first Bishop at Llan-ilid, with Bran remaining as chief High Priest of Siluria at Llandaff.
In the Cymric language, Aristobulus is known as Arwystli-Hen
and Arwystli-Senex. Hen is Celtic for aged, just as Senex is the Roman term. 1
(1 ‘Triads. Myroyrian Arch., vol. 2)
Unfortunately, the (P.187) aged Aristobulus was to meet with a tragic end within a year of his return to Britain with his loyal companion. Unlike the Paulian Mission, which had come direct from Rome, the Josephian Mission had come direct from Jerusalem. It had no contact with Rome. Joseph also had the advantage of being well-known to the British for his former interests in the tin mining of Cornwall and Devon. He was so well received by them that he was considered one of them. On the other hand, the inveterate hatred of the British for Rome, and anything associated with it, persisted with an unrelenting detestation. Anything tinged with the Roman stigma was cause for grave suspicion. The Blessed Bran, writing in his journals, said they were hard put to induce the British to accept anyone or anything that came from Rome. It was only their love for the devout Bran and the lovely Eurgain, and their proud loyalty to Caractacus, that made them willing to meet halfway the Roman religious delegates. Aristobulus was well respected by the Silurians; he had come to them from Jerusalem, though Spain, and was known to be loved by Joseph and the Avalon band.
Aristobulus in his preaching zeal journeyed far beyond the territory of the Silurian shield into the lands of the British Ordo vices, whose hatred for the Romans was bitter and black. This blinded them to the facts, and he was unknown to them. Aware of the many ruses the Romans had instigated against the Britons in order to trick them into submission, they allied the presence of the aged elder brother of Barnabas to some form of Roman political treachery, in which religion played a hypocritical part in the scheme. They rose and slew him, given as the year A.D. 58 or A.D. 59, according to present reckoning.1
(1 Alford. Ruia Fides, p 41.)
Aristobulus was the first British bishop and the only one martyred by them. St. Alban, however, was regarded by Rome as the first British martyr at what was ancient Verulamium, still to be seen thanks to archaeological restoration. A church existed in Alban's time and, after his martyrdom, Offa, king of the Mercians, founded the Monastery of St. Albans, to his memory, in A.D. 793, Roman bricks from ancient Verulamium being used in its structure. The pre-Roman Belgae foundations, and the early Christian witness, instituted continuous worship in this spot.
Centuries later the Romish church criticized the British for their great lack of martyrs as compared to their own record. The leaders of the British church informed them that the disciples of the British church lived to preach and teach the Gospel and not die for it
unnecessarily for (P.188) their life had to be the only sacrifice, that they would gladly give. We know they gave it abundantly, but at the hands of the enemy and not by the hands of their own countrymen except in this one tragic circumstance. It was well known that the priests of the Romish church viewed martyrdom as a notable worthwhile gesture to such an extent they became fanatic. Man; deliberately sought martyrdom before they had achieved anything worthwhile.
There is another popular claimant to the honor of Being- the first Christian martyr in Britain identified with the church if St. Alban. It is a Christianized Roman soldier, named Alban, during the Diocletian persecution in Britain two hundred and fifty years later, who aided a hunted British priest to escape by wearing his robe, drawing pursuit to himself. On being recognized, the Roman officer ordered a soldier standing nearby to execute the culprit. The soldier refused, admitting that he, too, was a Christian, with the result that both soldiers were immediately beheaded. Tradition claims they were buried together on the spot where they were killed and a church erected on the site was named St. Albans.
Alban was the first Christian Roman soldier martyred in Britain by the Romans but by no means the first Christian martyr in Britain. Al authentic records, including The Genealogies of the Saints in Britain, name Aristobulus as the first of our Lord's disciples martyred in Britain, with Simon Zelotes being a second martyr shortly after. 1
(1 Dorotheus, Cyod de Apostol.
The first church erected on the site of St. Albans was built, as stated earlier, by the remorseful Ordovices to the memory of Aristobulus. Following the death of the Roman soldier Alban and his companion two hundred and fifty years later, the old church was reconstructed, enlarged, and renamed St. Albans by which it is known to this day.'
Of the aged, beloved friend of St. Paul and father-in-law of St. Peter, Aristobulus, there exists an abundance of authentic records from which the following are quotations from the original.
Cardinal Alford, who ranks second only to the erudite Cardinal Baronius as an authoritative historian of the Vatican, was one of the very few British ecclesiastics to achieve a high position in the Roman Catholic Church. He was a native-born Briton whose original name was Griffiths. He changed his name to Alford on joining the Jesuit Order. In fact, one can look in vain for the name of a British Pope during the years when the two churches were
somewhat in (P.189) agreement. None would accept the office, definitely refuting any mortal claim to being Christ's appointed Head of the Church. Only He was the Headstone.
Alford writes :
'It is perfectly certain that before St. Paul had come to Rome, Aristobulus was absent in Britain.'
In the Martyrologies of the Greek Church, we read:
'Aristobulus was one of the seventy disciples and a follower of St. Paul the Apostle, along with whom he preached the Gospel to the whole world, and ministered to them. He was chosen by St. Paul to be the missionary bishop to the land of Britain. He was there martyred after he had built churches and ordained deacons and priests on the island.'
Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyre, writes A.D. 303 :
'Aristobulus who is mentioned by the Apostle in his Epistle to the Romans, was made Bishop in Britain.'
Haleca, Bishop of Augusta, adds :
'The memory of many martyrs is celebrated by the Britons, especially that of St. Aristobulus, one of the seventy disciples.'
In the Adonis Martyrologia we read:
'March 15. Natal day of Aristobulus, Bishop of Britain, brother of St. Barnabas the Apostle, by whom he was ordained Bishop. He was sent to Britain where, after preaching the truth of Christ and forming a church, he received martyrdom.'
The reference in the above to the ordination of Aristobulus as Bishop by his younger brother Barnabas, was a much earlier appointment and did not apply to Britain. Following this ordination he first went into Britain, with Barnabas, as an exploratory agent of St. Paul. The consecration conferred on Aristobulus at Rome a Bishop of Britain, came much later, A.D. 58.’
Some may surmise that St. Paul's appointment of the aged disciple was in conflict with St. Joseph's office and mission. This is not so. Joseph is never referred to as Bishop of Britain. His title is more outstanding than the Apostle of Britain. His mission preceded the Paulian Mission under Aristobulus by twenty-two years. The year following the demise of Aristobulus, St. Philip reconsecrated Joseph as Chief Priest in Britain, A.D. 60.
The title, Bishop of Britain, was not again conferred on any missionary who followed after Aristobulus.
Of his coming (P.190) to Britain, the British Achau, or Genealogies of the Saints, has this to say :
Of his coming ot Britain, the British Achau, or Genealogies of the Saints, has this to say:
‘There came with Bran the Blessed from Rome to Britain, Arwstli Hen (Senex-old) Ilid. Cyndaw, men of Israel, and Maw, or Manaw, son of Arwystll.’
The Greek Menology also gives March 15 as the day of the martyrdom of Aristobulus.
Thus is established in brief form the positive evidence that Aristobulus actually labored and was slain in Britain corroborating the contention that St. Paul did establish a working Christian mission in Britain.
The year of the death of the Bishop of Britain was the same year that saw the end of the parole of Caractacus at Rome, A.D. 59. He said his farewell to his beloved youngest daughter Gladys now Claudia Pudens, and to her noble husband Rufus and their four children. The parting with his eldest son Linu; now the first Bishop of Rome, must have been sad, for war was still raging in Britain, with his cousin, the valorous Arviragus, carrying the assault against the greatest commanders in Roman military history. The rest of his family had all returned to Britain. The famed Palace of the British at Rome would no longer house him. He had given it as a dowry to is daughter at her marriage to Rufus Pudens, along wIth its magnificent estate and baths. There is no record that he ever returned to Rome. That was hardly possible. He had taken an oath never to lift arms against the Romans as long as he lived. This oath.h kept, but he was still a dominant figure in British authority and It is understandable that any visits he may have wished to make to Rome may have been misconstrued by either side. The mad Nero had succeeded the Emperor Claudius in the Roman hierarchy, and Christian persecution was blazing with renewed malice.
On his return to his native land, he built a castle at Aber Gweryd, now St. Donat's Major, in Glamorganshire. Unlike his father his grandfather, or his children, he did not take any religious vows or office. It appears he aided his sons in governing his people and strongly supported the Christian movement without jeopardizing his oath. He ended his days peaceably, dying a natural death. This noble Briton, who had shaken Imperial foundations was laid to rest by his wife, his father Bran, and grandfather Llyr., in the Cor of Ilid in Siluria, where (P.191) later were to be gathered Cyllinus, Cynon, Eurgain, and Salog, all heroes in Christ, all of whom died a natural death in the light and joy of their Lord.
Following the death of Aristobulus, Princess Eurgain became the chief influence in the Paulian Mission. The famous Solo MS. states that Eurgain founded twelve colleges of Christian Druids for Culdee initiates at Gaer Urgan or Cor Eurgain. These colleges she endowed bountifully, developing them to the highest estate in theological learning. The greatness of Cor-Eurgain endured for centuries after her death, the only great memorial to endure to the testimony of St. Paul's Mission in Britain. From here many of the greatest teachers and most able missionaries flowed out in a constant stream, into the tenth century. Her love for music and excellent talent created the first Christian choirs. Eurgain was as talented as her younger sister, Claudia, and her famed aunt, Pomponia, writing hymns and anthems that rang throughout the land in chants of praise and glory. Her attention to the education of the young in the many schools she provided is a noble record. The beautiful Princess Eurgain devoted her entire wealth and life in the service of Christ. The records state that she was the most beloved woman in Britain. Eurgain was the first female convert in Britain and the first Christian female saint. Her illustrious life is chronicled in the Genealogy of the Saints in Britain, a beautiful woman, a noble princess, and a shining star in the diadem of Christ.
On the death of Aristobulus, Ilid, 'a man of Israel', who had gone with Bran and Aristobulus to Cambria, took charge until Paul arrived. Prior to his membership in the Paulian Mission little is known of him except he was a Judean convert out of Rome. In the Cymric Triads, he is shown as a very capable, energetic leader. His devout, efficient administration endeared him to the Silures. He spent many years of his life in Cambria, espousing the original plan St. Paul had conceived with the aged Bran and Aristobulus. Financed by the royal Silurian family, and by the personal efforts of Princess Eurgain and her brother, the abdicated Cyllinus, there was built a magnificent church and university and many new schools in Cambria. The Lolo MS. says, 'He afterward went to Glastonbury, where he died and was buried, and Ina, king of that country, raised a large church over his grave.' King Ina's church at Glastonbury Abbey, built A.D. 700, was excavated in recent years. By neglect, it has since been covered. It is interesting to note that he is numbered first on the long list of Cambrian saints, listed in the Genealogy of the Saints in Britain.
In some of the ancient (P.192) records, Ilid is claimed to have been a son of the Decurian Joseph of Arimathea, the Apostle of the British. The loss of his aged friend was a grievous blow to St. Paul. He had sent his salutations to his friends at Rome, including ‘the household of Aristobulus'.
It is claimed that Paul landed at what is now a suburb of the great naval port of Portsmouth, known over the ages and to present time as 'Paul's Grove'. From there he evidently made his way into Cambria, where it is claimed he founded the famous Abbey of Bangor. The doctrine and administration of the Abbey were known as Pauli Regula - 'The Rule of Paul'. Over each of its four gates was inscribed his motto: 'If a man will not work, neither let him eat.' All the Abbots that followed considered themselves as the direct successors of Paul.1
(1 Morgan, St. Paul in Britain, p. 177.)
Each was specially elected and was usually of royal descent. It later developed into a monastery and is named by St. Hilary and St. Benedict as the 'Mother of Monasteries'. Its educational curriculum was of the highest order, attracting thousands of scholars. Its membership is stated by Bede to have risen to two Thousand one hundred. Its twentieth Abbot was the famous Pelagius who fought so strenuously against the novel papal teachings. They described his defense of the ancient British simple faith as the Pelagian Heresy.
It is doubtful if Paul stayed long enough in Britain to see the famous Abbey of Bangor completed. He knew his time was short and he sought to make the best use of it in his fervent evangelizing mission, chief of which was his special attention to his British Mission. While there he left his impression in writing his rule for a godly Christian life, recorded in Ancient British Triads as 'The Triads of Paul the Apostle'. Nowhere else are they recorded and nowhere else is the term 'Triads' employed outside Britain, which favors acceptance of their Pauline origin. They are as follows:
There are three (P.193) sorts of men: The man of God, who renders good for evil; the man of men, who renders good for good and evil for evil; and the man of the devil, who renders evil for good. 'Three kinds of men are the delights of God: The meek; the lovers of peace; the lovers of mercy.
'There are three marks of the children of God: Gentle deportment; a pure conscience; patient suffering of injuries.
'There are three (P.101) chief duties demanded by God: Justice to every man; love; humility.
‘In three places will be found the most of God: Where He is mostly sought; where He is mostly loved; where there is least of self.
'There are three things following faith in God: A conscience at peace; union with heaven; what is necessary for life.
'Three ways a Christian punishes an enemy: By forgiving him; by not divulging his wickedness; by doing him all the good in his power.
'The three chief considerations of a Christian: Lest he should
displease God; lest he should be a stumbling block to man; lest his love to all that is good should wax cold.
'The three luxuries of a Christian feast: What God has pre• pared; what can be obtained with justice to all; what love to all may venture to use.
'Three persons have the claims and privileges of brothers and sisters: The widow; the orphan; the stranger
The preservation of the Triads of Paul the Apostle is due to the Cor of Ilid, of which Ilid, the 'man of Israel', was the chief architect and chief priest.
In Merton College, Oxford, there is an ancient MS. which purports to contain a series of letters between St. Paul and Seneca. In them are several allusions to St. Paul's residence in Siluria. It is known as the Paulian MS.
Bishop Burgess writes :
'Of Paul's journey to Britain, we have as satisfactory proof as any historical question can demand.'
A casual study of the life and works of St. Paul, after his arrival at Rome, shows blank periods which Scripture does not explain. They total silence of six years. The general opinion, supported by the secular records, is that those years were spent in Gaul, and principally in Britain. We know he returned to Rome from Cambria, A.D. 61, and was imprisoned there. Again he returned to Britain and Gaul. Edouard de Bazelaire traces the path of Paul's travel, circa A.D. 62, along the Aurelian Way from Rome to Aries, in Gaul. With him was Trophimus, one of the original Josephian bands, previously referred to, and Crescens, whom he sent to Vienne, where he found the church at Mayence, being the first Bishop there. Scriptural records support this in which Paul refers to the sickness of one of his disciples whom he was obliged to leave in Gaul.
The Rev. (P.194) R. W. Morgan writes:
'There are six years of St. Paul's life to be accounted for, between his liberation from his first imprisonment and his martyrdom at Aquae Salviae in the Ostian Road, near Rome. Part certainly, the greater åpart perhaps, of this period was spent in Britain, in Siluria or Cambria, beyond the bounds of the Roman Empire; and hence the silence of the Greek and Latin writers upon it.1
(1 Morgan, St. Paul in Britain, p. 175.)
1 Acts 9:25. In Wales, as in Gaul, the memory of Paul's work among them is almost entirely lost. The only enduring memorials to Paul's presence in Britain, of note, are to be found in England.
Llandin - London is referred to as the 'Areopagus' of Britain, arising out of the instance that St. Paul preached from the summit of Ludgate Hill. The famous St. Paul's Cathedral is erected on the site, and the ancient St. Paul's Cross may well mark the spot where St. Paul stood as he preached the Gospel to the British.
This, and much more, is confirmed in the Long Lost Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles (The Sonnini MS.).
The presence and preachings of St. Paul in London became so deeply associated with that city that he was made the Patron Saint of London, and his emblem, the sword of martyrdom, is incorporated in the coat of arms of this great metropolis.
A common question often arises in discussions of the ability of the Apostles to preach understandably to people of different tongues. In what language did St. Paul address the British? Did be speak the Celtic tongue or Latin? It is an interesting but difficult question to answer.
Philologists have pointed out the great similarity of the ancient Celtic language with the ancient Hebrew, in which case it would not have been difficult for Paul to have preached to the British in the Cymric language. We know that the ancient British on a large scale were familiar with Greek, which was as common an inter national language of Those days as English is today. Paul wrote all his epistles in Greek, and for a long time after the apostolic age Greek was the language of the Church of Rome. Among the educated, Latin was well known. Caractacus addressed the Roman Senate at his famous trial in Latin; therefore neither side would experience any difficulty in speaking or hearing.
Moreover, it was the common practice of Christians from the beginning to read the Scriptures in the vulgar tongue. It had ever 1 Corinthians 14:9, the (P.195) Word of God forbids praying and preaching in an unknown tongue. Paul emphasized this in the canon he laid down for the Corinthian Church. He says :
'If I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me I had rather in the church speak five words with my understanding ... than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.'
It was not till the reign of Charlemagne that Latin became the language of church services. Latin as the language of prayer and worship was also imposed by Pope Gregory I in the year A.D. 600.
The British church ever opposed this practice and was the first to demand its abolition, and the first to print and preach the Bible in their own language.
Bishop Ussher, in his Historia Dogmatica, writes:
'No two causes contributed so much to the declension of Christianity and the progress of Mohammedanism, as the suppression by the Church of Rome of the vernacular scriptures, and her adoption of image worship.'
Worship of images and relics was first introduced in the Roman Church Council by Pope Hadrian I, A.D. 788. In the Bible, this is called idolatry and is severely condemned (Exodus 20 : 4, 5; Deut. 27: 15; Psa.115).
Probably the place where Paul is most commemorated is Malta, where he was shipwrecked. At Valletta stands the beautiful church of St. Paul Shipwrecked, erected to his memory and rescue from the sea.
It is certain that, if it had not been for the vigorous support of the Paulian Mission in Cambria by Princess Eurgain and her relatives, his efforts would have completely failed. We cannot help but feel regret that so little was perpetuated, even during the activity of the Cor Eurgain, to his memory and those faithful workers who issued through Rome. It can be well said that the success of his mission during its existence and presence in Cambria was due to the magnificent efforts of the Caradoc Silurian family and had a profound influence in the promotion of Christianity in Wales. Following the death of Paul the Cambrian church renewed its close ties with Avalon. The deep affection Eurgain and her relatives (P.196) held for Joseph who first converted and baptized many of them always remained. Among the common people, their allegiance never deviated from Joseph or the Mother Church at Avalon. They could not or would not accept that which came from Rome. In this alone is found the answer. Yet they could not and did not fail to recognize the deep affection Paul held for the children of Caractacus and the children of Claudia. It was too evident. His love for Linus was unbounded. We see this preserved in an unusual relic in the Vatican Museum. It is in the form of a glass medallion depicting a contemporary portrait of the heads of Linus and Paul, proclaiming their undying friendship and close association during Those drama-packed years.
Paul fulfilled the mission of his Saviour, Jesus Christ, to go 'far hence unto the Gentiles, the merit of which has throbbed and thrived for two thousand years, and will continue to live firm in, the hope of the great promise, till He shall come again.
Eloquently St. Clement sums up the magnitude of the achievements of the Apostle to the Gentiles. Being one of the original Bethany bands that dwelt at Avalon with Joseph, he knew St. Paul intimately and long before he followed in the office of his beloved friend Linus, as Bishop of Rome. He writes :
'To leave the examples of antiquity, and to come to the most recent, let us take the noble examples of our own times. Let us place before our eyes the good Apostle, Peter, though unjust odium, underwent not one or two, but many sufferings; and having undergone his martyrdom, he went to the place of glory to which he was entitled. Paul, also, having seven times worn chains, and been hunted and stoned, received the prize of such endurance. For he was the herald of the Gospel in the West as well as in the East and enjoyed the illustrious reputation of the faith in teaching the whole world to be righteous. And after he had been in the extremity of the West, he suffered martyrdom before the sovereigns of mankind; and thus delivered from this world, he went to his holy place, the most brilliant example of steadfastness that we possess.'
'Extremity of the West' was the term used to indicate Britain. Capellus, in History of the Apostles, writes:
'I know scarcely of one author from the time of the Fathers downward who does not maintain that St. Paul, after his liberation, preached in every country of the West, in Europe, Britain included.'
Theodoret, fourth (P.197) century, writes: 'St. Paul brought salvation to the Isles in the ocean.'
Ventanius, sixth century, Patriarch of Jerusalem, speaks very definitely of St. Paul's visit and work in Britain, as does Irenaeus,
A.D. 125-189; Tertullian, A.D. 122-166; Origen, A.D. 185-254;
Mello, A.D. 256; Eusebius, A.D. 315; Athanasius, A.D. 353; and many other chroniclers of church history.
If further confirmation is needed it is supplied in the records of the Roman, Eastern, Gallic, and Spanish churches, all of which attest to the fact that St. Paul evangelized in Gaul and Britain.